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"Our Five Fold Promise is Your Assurance of Excellence, Dependability, Integrity, Authenticity and Value."








There is nothing mediocre or commonplace about what we do here at White Light Pentacles/Sacred Spirit Products Inc. We perform our work in service to the Light of Spirit and Will of the Gods as an offering.  Thus we distribute only the finest supplies that promote or are used in the practice of Spiritual Culture.



We and our suppliers have made a conscious choice to provide products that serve to enhance Spiritual Ideals and Life Improvement.  Our products, for the most part, are either prepared by, or prepared under the supervision of Witchcraft Elders and studied magickal practitioners.  These artists, artisans, alchemists and crafts folk have been in the Great Work for decades and have dedicated their lives to providing these supplies for the promotion of magick as an active part of daily life.



We started White Light Pentacles/Sacred Spirit Products 40+ years ago in order to link retail stores, retail catalogues, home-based businesses and private practitioners with dependable sources of non-mass-produced Witchcraft and magick supplies that actually come from initiates and caretakers of a living mystery tradition. The products we provide are beautifully crafted and function as tools of the Art Magickal.



Honesty and integrity are imperative to our operation here at White Light Pentacles/Sacred Spirit Products Inc. We do not embellish or twist the truth about any of our products or our personal beliefs. We do not pretend to espouse Spiritual beliefs or lifestyles in order to exploit the magickal marketplace.  We support and embrace these beliefs and live openly as Witches and Occultists.



White Light Pentacles/Sacred Spirit Products' consumables, such as herbals, candles and incense, etc. can bring immediate gratification to practitioners, while jewelry, chalices, altar accessories and ritual tools are pieces that may last a lifetime and become  family heirlooms.


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