Enchanted Flower Bracelet
Flower Power...
Faceted Garnet: strength of will, power, protection
Iolite can be light to deep blue, and usually has a purplish tinge to it. Iolite may be used to enhance the ability to have clear visions, promote pure thoughts, intuition and self-acceptance. It is another violet ray stone like Amethyst.
Wear Peridot to protect the aura, purify the physical and subtle bodies, and alleviate emotional burdens. May be utilized to manifest abundance, wealth, health, happiness and love.
Citrine is ruled by the Sun and is very powerful for protecting the aura and bringing healing energy. It is said that it does not need to be cleared, unlike most other crystals, and that its yellow hues symbolize the spiritual qualities of joy, abundance, and transmutation, spreading positive, energetic light.
Amethyst: Higher mind, meditation, healing, wisdom, sedate lower urges.
Wearing this beautiful gemstone jewelry in one's aura brings to the wearer the powers and properties of these treasures of Mother Earth. While supplies last...
For many years White Light Pentacles has been supporting the efforts of our trusted suppliers. The jewelry we distribute is fashioned with authentic cabachon and faceted gemstones set in Sterling Silver by skilled artisans all over the world.
Silver is a healing metal that has excellent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Throughout history, silver has been used in medicine to cure infections and help heal wounds. Spiritually, it is said to be ruled by the energetic planetary corespondence of the Moon. It may be worn to enhance psychic receptivity and also for protection. Faceted Garnet: strength of will, power, protection; Iolite can be light to deep blue, and usually has a purplish tinge to it. Iolite may be used to enhance the ability to have clear visions, promote pure thoughts, intuition and self-acceptance. It is another violet ray stone like Amethyst. Wear Peridot to protect the aura, purify the physical and subtle bodies, and alleviate emotional burdens. May be utilized to manifest abundance, wealth, health, happiness and love. Citrine is ruled by the Sun and is very powerful for protecting the aura and bringing healing energy. It is said that it does not need to be cleared, unlike most other crystals, and that its yellow hues symbolize the spiritual qualities of joy, abundance, and transmutation, spreading positive, energetic light. Amethyst: Higher mind, meditation, healing, wisdom, sedate lower urges