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"Bloodtime Moontime Dreamtime"DVD

"Bloodtime Moontime Dreamtime"DVD


"Bloodtime Moontime Dreamtime" three part dvd by Emmy award winning documentary filmmaker and storyteller Roberta Cantow...  a trilogy with a focus on the women's sacred sprituality movment.

This film shares the thoughts, feelings and experiences of women through rites of passages, specifically exploring Women's mysteries,  blood related, from first menses to post. Women coming into their power through life's challenges. Women bringing forth change...

Some Reviews:

“…captures the landscape of women's mysteries through

the theme of ‘blood mysteries’ in a way that is
authentic, raw, and hauntingly beautiful.” 
- Sage Women Magazine


 "...Watching Roberta Cantow's Bloodtime Moontime Dreamtime was so satisfying and filled me with such bittersweet joy. As a woman whose mother referred to my sacred blood as "being sick," I related. I cried. I shouted in agreement. It gave me hope. I believe this trilogy is MUST VIEWING for women and men everywhere. This is part of the Goddess story. This is part of women reconnecting with the Divine Feminine, their blood and their womb. It helps guide them back to their innate wisdom and body knowing. It's about women throwing off the disempowering shackles imposed upon them in a male dominated culture. This is about women having a positive image of themselves, their bodies and cycles. And this is for men too so they might understand this sacredness and begin once again to honor women and the wisdom of their bodies. This trilogy is part of what should be in our curriculums as women and men re-learn the sacred mysteries and come to embrace the Sacred Feminine. There is nothing else out there like it! This trilogy, each part individually, or as a whole, is a rich and thoughtful tool of empowerment for women as much as it may serve to improve understanding between the genders. It's these ideas we want to embrace as we rethink and shift our culture into one of wholeness, health and balance. I feel so strongly about this documentary, I'm going to keep it on my reference shelf and use it in my teaching arsenal"  - Karen Tate


“Women's mysteries are blood mysteries, for women bleed without dying. This trilogy dives deep into the mystery. Look if you dare; learn if you will. Claim your blood, Woman, the power of peaceful blood.” - Susun Weed,


“I liked it very much and thought its potential to open women to a new dialogue was certainly achieved. I am… very committed to our deepest visions like the one you are holding to evolve and reach humanity's heart.”

- ALisa Starkweather


“Bloodtime, Moontime, Dreamtime is a beautifully done, emotionally-evocative and very informative documentary about repressed sources of women’s wisdom, rituals and power that flow from an embodied /goddess spirituality. Especially meaningful to readers of Crossing to Avalon, my own story of pilgrimage and insights into the sacred feminine.”

- Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.,


  • Filmmaker's Statement

    "My films have a poetic, lyrical approach , There are always underlining themes: surviving the demands of life, making meaning, spirituality manifested in a variety of ways, the role of the imagination and creativity."

    “I am presenting a landscape of a phenomenon that exists in our culture… taking it out of the shadows and into the light…giving it the honor of a voice that needs to be heard.”

    "I wanted to provide a tapestry of contemporary ideas and practices that bespeak a need to invest our most elemental experiences of “life passage” with new meanings. The films' themes draw from: Women's studies; contemporary ethnography; sociology; religion, spirituality; myth and ritual; and the expressive arts." ~ Roberta Cantow 

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